by Dr. Patrice Wolters - Licensed Psychologist | Nov 13, 2023 | Blog, Building Relationships, Relationship Counseling
Everyone knows what it feels like to be sad, mad, scared, excited, and joyful, right? Wrong! Most think they do, and that’s the problem. They THINK about their emotions rather than FEEL them. This is a leading cause of relationship issues. People who are out of touch...
by Dr. Patrice Wolters - Licensed Psychologist | Oct 11, 2023 | Blog, Building Relationships, The Art of Communication
Mindfulness is a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment by calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s thoughts, feelings and bodily sensations. Mindfulness involves far more than your typical cross-legged meditation practice; it’s a way...
by Dr. Patrice Wolters - Licensed Psychologist | Mar 29, 2023 | Blog
We are hearing a lot about narcissistic people these days, but readers may not know narcissism is a personality disorder. What we know is people with narcissistic personalities were injured at a very young age and are not capable of healthy adult relationships. Do you...
by Dr. Patrice Wolters - Licensed Psychologist | Feb 16, 2023 | Blog, Eat Food to Bust Mood
Let me introduce myself: my name is Kale. I’m not shy, but all the attention I’ve gotten in the last few years can be overwhelming. One minute you’re out in your furrow waiting for a few people to notice you, and the next minute you’re all over the internet being both...
by Dr. Patrice Wolters - Licensed Psychologist | Feb 7, 2023 | Blog, Break Free from Depression
A funk day is just a low space filled with negative contortion, A mindset manufacturing negative distortions All out of proportion to life’s daily misfortunes which can be taken lightly and built to good fortune Yes, a low is just a high waiting to blossom From...