Relationship Counseling Los Gatos
Do you want to stop having go-nowhere arguments where you build resentment and feel misunderstood?
Relationship & Marriage Counseling
Do you want to stop having go-nowhere arguments where you build resentment and feel misunderstood?
Relationship & Marriage Counseling
Do you want to stop having go-nowhere arguments where you build resentment and feel misunderstood?
I have helped hundreds of couples learn the three main skills essential to what I call Connective Conversations. I help each person develop their ability to know what they are feeling, learn to break defensive habits, and develop the strength and courage to express their truth.
Couples work can be a challenging and intense process, but it can make a significant difference in helping people move beyond stuck patterns and misery or boredom.
I help partners begin to learn and practice new patterns. One good habit to practice is to take a time-out if you are engaged in a go-nowhere discussion.
Are you tired of feeling distant, disengaged and disappointed? Learn how to rekindle intimacy, connection and Joy!
Are you tired of feeling distant, disengaged and disappointed? Learn how to rekindle intimacy, connection and Joy!
Are you tired of feeling distant, disengaged and disappointed? Learn how to rekindle intimacy, connection and Joy!
Many couples/partners who feel disengaged and resentful wait too long to call and get help. However, for those people who can remember the good times they once had and commit to work on their part in the relationship issue, the prognosis is positive.
I am skilled and experienced in both individual and couples therapy and incorporate some individual therapy in the couples context. I often learn that each partner has married their unfinished business from the past, and couples work is a great venue for moving through unfinished business.
For example, Ginger married Tom who later seemed self-centered and unappreciative. She tried for several years to please him and wondered what she was doing wrong. Pleasing others and not including herself in the equation was a pattern Ginger learned as a girl.
After some time in couples work, Ginger felt guilty when she began to do some of the things she wanted. Tom was critical and pulled away calling her selfish. But Ginger learned to tolerate her guilt and stick with her new process. With practice, Ginger got stronger at saying “No” and sticking with her commitment to herself. It took about 7 months of therapy, but in the end Tom developed more empathy and respect for Ginger and the two gradually rekindled their intimacy and joy.
Is your relationship lacking fun, adventure and playfulness? Do either of you procrastinate?
Is your relationship lacking fun, adventure and playfulness? Do either of you procrastinate?
Is your relationship lacking fun, adventure and playfulness? Do either of you procrastinate?
No matter how dried up or boring your relationship feels, I find most patients can “learn to play.” There are many ways couples avoid each other and themselves, and I see many partners procrastinate on spending the essential time to nourish their relationship. Common complaints I hear are “he is marred to his phone” or “all she ever does is work.”
I see many couples who have not gone back to being a couple after the kids are in school and put off making the time to be together.
Often good things start happening when they commit to a date day or night together or just getting together for a hike or coffee. However, for some couples the only quality time they initially have is in my office. But this can be, and often is, getting on the “New Trail.”
Remember my motto: “Tiny steps taken daily add up.”
Does your sexual relationship feel boring, routine or does it fall under the “almost-never category?”
Does your sexual relationship feel boring, routine or does it fall under the “almost-never category?”
Does your sexual relationship feel boring, routine or does it fall under the “almost-never category?”
I can help you cultivate your pleasure, passion, and playfulness. Many couples I see are hungry for a passionate, sexually-intimate relationship but can have a variety of blocks to their erotic side.
I enjoy helping couples come alive and create a safe space for couples to begin having erotic conversations.
I work with people from many different cultures where rigid sexual standards fostered a suppression of excitement and pleasure growing up.
I believe people working with me learn it is safe to talk about what feels forbidden, which can be the beginning of something precious and pleasurable. Plus we know sex is good for your health.