Marriage Counseling Articles for Los Gatos
Ten Simple Rules for Living with Mood Challenges
1. MAKE EXERCISE A HABIT FOR LIFE. Find something you like (or at least don’t hate) and commit to doing it for six weeks. Start where you are. Can’t run a mile? Walk a mile. Or a half mile. Too...
How to Handle Angry, Volatile Clients in Your Practice
Almost every couple you work with has some degree of defensiveness or over-reactivity operating when they engage in a disagreement. This over-reactivity can range from mild, to moderate, to severe....
YOGA for Youth, Optimism, Gratitude, and Attitude
The word “yoga” is derived from the Sanskrit root word “to yoke” or “to unite.” Yoga is intended to create a union of body, mind, and spirit. The practice of yoga originated in ancient India and is...
Breathing To Promote Self-Healing
Most people rarely think about their own breathing, even though the average person takes around 22,000 breaths each day! However, breathing mindfully can have a major positive impact on your mood...
From Judgmental to Fundamental
A judgmental partner can fatally damage a relationship. However, what may not be evident to the couples involved is that a tendency towards judgment is deeply rooted in childhood. This root cause of...
Breaking Out Of Bad Patterns & Creating Healthier Habits
Relationships are your most valued resource. There are tremendous benefits to developing your capacity and skills to enjoy flourishing relationships. Research indicates that people with...
You CAN Understand Your Teen: 5 Communication Techniques to Use Today
Today's teens are stressed. It doesn't matter if they come from privileged environments or harsh deprivation – an adolescent's world is confusing, and often filled with mixed messages about...
The Los Gatos Lottery
The week of June 15th, 2021, was the time when California state officials were pulling lottery tickets to see who won for getting the COVID-19 vaccine. Some tickets were for $50,000 and a few lucky...
Tools to Bust Procrastination
Procrastination your time has come, If it's on the list we get it done, No matter my mood, I've made up my mind feeling accomplished is sublime. Break steps down into doable parts, It doesn't matter...
Take a Time-Out to Improve Your Relationship
Disagreements often pose challenges in relationships. Many partners and spouses often avoid expressing their true thoughts and feelings during a disagreement because they don't want to engage in a...
Effective Communication: Relationship Skills for Improved Intimacy
Summary In this article you will learn how to develop communication skills that can help create amazing relationships. We'll discuss the meaning of communication, and we'll look at six important...
How to Manage Passive-Aggressive Behavior in Your Marriage
Do you feel the need to get even with your spouse? Do you hold back your feelings and just sit on them when you're upset? Do people get angry at you, and you don't always know why? If you answered...